Why God hates witchcraft and sorcery

People like me would think, what’s so wrong with magic? I don’t see anything bad about using supernatural power for things like levitation and telepathy or even flight. I think of it as just fun and cool. What does God not like about it? Does God falsely forbid magic and enchantment?

Edit: What could possibly be wrong with using psychics, clairvoyance, and remote viewing to track down criminals? It would be very useful to catch people behind phishing scams. I don’t see how that could hurt anyone! If anything, it would help by catching the criminal. Maybe the criminal would be hurt, but that’s no different than when catching the criminal with normal means.

Also, how can it be sin if it doesn’t have a victim? “There’s no such thing as a victimless sin!”

Isn’t evil simply benefiting self at the deteriment of others, or having own gain at others’ loss, or taking pleasure in harming and hurting others?

Or is it giving good things to people that have done bad? Or helping people who are evil?

Edit: An example of a poor answer from God is “because God said so” or “to glorify God.” A good answer would be how it detriments or harms. “For our own good” is the kind of answer I want, but more detail would be good, like “For what good?” I want a good reason for God’s prohibition of magic, enchantment, spells, charms, and psychics – not just any reason, but a GOOD reason. Not “Because God said so” or “to honor and glorify God”, but how it detriments, harms, helps, or benefits.

I propose…

Witchcraft and sorcery is just magicians and enchanters’ ways of trespassing the limits of spiritual power that God has put in place for them. It can be compared to 1 Samuel 8:6, in which the Isrealites want a king to “fight our battles,” instead of letting God fighting battles, since God will fight their battles when they are faithful to him, and ONLY when they are faithful to him.

How? Witchcraft and sorcery are seeking wisdom, guidance, and help from spiritual sources that are not God’s holy spirit, without taking into consideration faithfulness to God. Only those who are faithful should get spiritual help, wisdom, and guidance. Witchcraft and sorcery would be people’s thought for getting help WITHOUT faithfulness to God.

Harry Potter gets all his power from Satan? I am not going to link the offensive article that I am thinking of. Why can’t anyone get the same power from God’s Holy Spirit?

Edit: Why doesn’t God grant some people clairvoyance?

Edit: Contacting the dead is dangerous, because you’re not actually encountering the dead spirits you think you are talking to, you’re talking to demons impersonating dead spirits. But let’s suppose that there weren’t any demons and that you actually WERE talking to the dead spirits you intend to talk to. So what’s wrong with movies depicting contacting the dead? There are no demons in movies like Frozen 2 or Moana, and people are talking to legitimate spirits, not demons, so that defeats the danger of contacting the dead.

Edit: I don’t care what God calls good and what God calls bad! I only care what IS good and what IS bad!

Similarities and differences between miracles and magic



Uses magic words and rituals

Used to hurt or control people

Comes from Satan and the demons


Just speak, and it happens

Used to help people

Comes from God’s Holy Spirit

Defy the laws of physics

Things that would convince atheists and agnostics like me of the existence of God

I would like to see an angel recorded on tape… unedited. I’d like to see an angel recorded on live stream.

I would also like to see a miracle beyond scientific explanation, like an amputee growing an arm back. Or a person who lost both kidneys, grows new kidneys. Unfortunately, those two would only alter scientists’ understanding of human biology, unless everything was inconsistent. I’d like miracles recorded on video.

I would like to see God talking in a thunderstorm, Mufasa in the live action Lion King (sorry for the spoilers, WordPress doesn’t seem to provide a way to hide spoilers like Reddit does). I want everyone to hear it and wake up, so that they can tell about it as independent witnesses, and for it to be recorded on video, to prove that I’m not hallucinating.

I would like God to speak to me with physical sound so everybody around me can hear it.

I would like multiple people sharing the exact same dream, and meeting and talking to each other in that dream. Also mass death experiences (MDE), an extreme form of near death experience (NDE) and shared death experience (SDE).

I would also like to see the invisible hands of God type on a keyboard, and record it on camera for proof of evidence. The computer could also record God typing.

If Bruce Gerencser (brucegerencser.net) sees Jesus in the sky during the Rapture or Second Coming, they will say “OH! NOW I believe in him, now that I see him!” Even the STUBBORNEST of STUBBORNEST hearts will believe! Even the HARDEST of the HARDEST of hearts will be convinced!

Edit: I’d like it if an atheist was mind-blown and shocked by a vision that proved God, and startled to death! And repent as they die! Then no one will have any idea that they repented and believed and went to Heaven! Another scenario would be that an atheist sees a vision totally vivid, and doesn’t believe it, and thinking they are dreaming or hallucinating, they hit themselves really hard in an attempt to wake up, only to kill themselves!

I’d also like another battle on Mt. Carmel, but between Christians and Muslims. If Allah answers with fire, I and all other Christians will convert to Islam. But if Jahveh (as I call the Christian God) answers with fire, all Muslims will become Christians. They will just think about the logic “Allah would NEVER allow fire to hit the Christian altar!” I want it to be recorded on live stream. Will mainstream media censor it? What about Silicon Valley? Will the streaming be allowed in Saudi Arabia?

Anyone who is discovered with a hoax shall be put into JAIL! Maybe FORCE!!! a polygraph lie detector test on witnesses of miracles or testimonies of God to prove they are not making it up. I hope we develop mind-reading machines one day, as a more reliable alternative to polygraphs for use in court. Machines that can read into every thought and memory of a person.