Translations of the Genesis creation account

This might be my last post for the time being. I missed a post from two weeks ago. I will change my posting schedule to Sunday when I post a series of more posts.

“In the Beginning, God Created the Heavens and the Earth. The Earth was formless and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” – that’s not the correct translation of Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 and 2. There’s not supposed to be a comma after “Beginning.” And there’s no period. The two verses are supposed to be separated by a comma, not a period. Both the first two verses are one sentence.

It should be more like “In the Beginning [when] God created the Heavens and the Earth, the Earth was formless and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”

The Hebrew word translated “depths” is Tahom.

Sorry fundamentalists! Sorry King James-only proponents! Sorry Jack Hyles! Sorry Pensacola Christian College! Sorry Hyles-Anderson College! Sorry David J. Stewart (or David Fleming, whatever)!

I will give sources later. Edit: Here it is: (The True ORIGINS of Genesis Creation Will BLOW Your Mind By MythVision Podcast)

How sermons should be preached

This will be just a short post. I missed the post from a two weeks ago, so I will post another one. They may be my last posts.

Give warnings, followed by promises.

Start with the hard words and follow them with soft words. Hard words soften hard hearts but harden soft hearts, while soft words soften soft hearts but harden hard hearts.

If people are offended by your sermons, they will likely feel better if you say “God has his laws in place for our own good” and “God knows something we don’t know.”

Let people ask “HOW do we deserve hell?” Don’t just answer “Because you’ve sinned,” because people will wonder “How does simply sinning earn us punishment so severe?”

Let them ask “What’s so wrong with magic and enchantment?” And answer “Witchcraft and sorcery are just magicians’ and enchanters’ way of trespassing the limits of spiritual power that God has put in place for them.”

Also monitor blog posts and videos that are responses to your posts and videos. Look them up.

Heaven will be spectacular

We will have godlike, cosmic powers!

We will be powerful and rich beyond out wildest dreams!

Our wealth will be equivalent to $101,000,000,000,000! 1 followed by a trillion 0s. Or rather, $infinity! (If only I could write the infinity symbol, a sideways 8, instead of the word “infinity”) Not just nominal value, but REAL value! Infinitely RICH! Except there will be no concept of money! Everything will be FREE! All software will be open source. No more copyright restrictions! Everyone can contribute!

We will have luxury far beyond the biggest billionaire!

People will work for FREE!

All bad memories will be erased! All memories will be erased of all suffering! We will have no idea anything bad ever happened! It will be exactly as if the fall of sin had not occurred, because that’s God’s ideal absolutely perfect world. We won’t be able to recall unpleasant memories even if we tried! Unpleasant memories won’t even be dormant! Even if we saw such flashbacks, we wouldn’t recognize them!

Hell will be invisible to us! The ones that went to hell – we won’t even have any idea they ever existed!

The word “sin” will NEVER be said! No one will EVER say the word “hell” or “death.”