How sermons should be preached

This will be just a short post. I missed the post from a two weeks ago, so I will post another one. They may be my last posts.

Give warnings, followed by promises.

Start with the hard words and follow them with soft words. Hard words soften hard hearts but harden soft hearts, while soft words soften soft hearts but harden hard hearts.

If people are offended by your sermons, they will likely feel better if you say “God has his laws in place for our own good” and “God knows something we don’t know.”

Let people ask “HOW do we deserve hell?” Don’t just answer “Because you’ve sinned,” because people will wonder “How does simply sinning earn us punishment so severe?”

Let them ask “What’s so wrong with magic and enchantment?” And answer “Witchcraft and sorcery are just magicians’ and enchanters’ way of trespassing the limits of spiritual power that God has put in place for them.”

Also monitor blog posts and videos that are responses to your posts and videos. Look them up.

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